Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sperminator 5.2: And Re-Basted!

IUI #2 is done, and we weren't even all that late for Thanksgiving dinner!

We stopped by Shrike's parents' house on the way out of town, to drop off the pie, and then hit the road around 10:30 am.

It usually takes us exactly 90 minutes to get down there, but we generally allow 1:45 - 2 hours, just to be safe. We allowed the full 2 hours today, because we were worried about holiday traffic.
This time, it only took 1:15!

We were there by a quarter to twelve, and by the time 12:30 (our appointment) rolled around, I was already all spermified and we were on the road.

We got to dinner around 2 pm, which is not bad, since the official start time was 1:30.

We had a small crowd, but it was nice. Shrike's mom decided to skip the traditional turkey this year, and went with barbeque beef sandwiches instead. Yummmm!

Now I'm waiting around til I think my family is done eating, so I can give them a call.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  1. Our Thanksgiving was great too. We had a wonderful time at brother and SIL's house. The food was delicious and there were seventy-eleven people there. We are very THANKFUL to be home though, because we are very, very tired now.

  2. I survived the trip and the evening at son and DIL's house. Was great to be there and to talk to you. Very tired, but not worse for it, I think. I kept telling myself that I may feel lousy, but I AM NOT COOKING THE WHOLE THING!

  3. Anonymama / LadyKay -
    It was great talking to you and everyone else yesterday.

    Sure wish we could be there - and we wish we could be there for Christmas, too.

    Next year, though - with Giblets in tow!

  4. Giblets in tow-Plural???

  5. Well, we're hoping for Giblet, singular, but with four eggs ready to drop at the last look, you never know.

  6. If there is more than one giblet, we may leave a few there.


What say you?