Saturday, March 3, 2007

Saturday Meme

To be honest, I haven't decided yet whether I'm pro- or anti- "meme" but since this one doesn't seem to be geared to 14 year olds, I figured it was a good opportunity to share a bit more about myself, so here goes:

1. Things that scare me:
Bugs (especially roaches)
The current US administration

2. People who make me laugh:
Our six year-old niece

3. Things I hate the most:
People who hate others (hmm, that's problematic)
People who impose their beliefs on others
When shitty things happen to good people

4. Things I don’t understand:
What someone else's faith has to do with my life
How anyone can think that love is wrong

5. Things I’m doing right now:
Blogging :-)
Thinking about getting a snack
Considering a bubble bath

6. Things I want to do before I die:
Have a child and raise him/her to be a good person
Marry Shrike, legally in our homestate
Make a difference

7. Things I can do:
Organize and motivate others
Design and build websites
Think for myself

8. Things I can’t do:
Take physical risks (I'm a big chicken)
Be dishonest about who I am (not so chicken there, though)
Sit down, shut up and go along with the program

10. Things I think you should listen to:
Your heart
Your gut
Your partner

11.Things you should never listen to:
Anyone who's opinions are based solely on writings more than 2000 years old
Anyone who wants you to deny who you are
Anyone who tells you that who you are is wrong

12. Things I’d like to learn:
To be less controlling
To cook more and better
To make useful things with my hands - woodworking, and the like

13. Favorite foods:
Mexican food

14. Beverages I drink regularly:
Coffee (mostly decaf, in preparation for baby)
Orange Juice (Tropicana Light & Healthy)
Kool-Aid (Sugar Free Tropical Punch)

15. Shows I watched as a kid:
Happy Days
Brady Bunch
Batman and Robin


  1. Look who came back to browse....

    #3- "People who impose their beliefs on others"- couldn't agree more!

    #7- "Think for myself"- not enough people do this unfortunately!

    * please don't delete me this time, or my self esteem may be dented a little! :)*

  2. * please don't delete me this time, or my self esteem may be dented a little! :)*

    Yeah, I'm sorry about that!

    I'll be sure to just edit posts in the future, rather than deleting and re-doing, so I don't lose any comments.


What say you?