Saturday, March 3, 2007

It's a Blog Party!

The folks over at 5 Minutes for Mom are having a Blog Party.

To be honest, I don't know too much about the site, but I figure it's a good way to get this new blog o' mine publicized and attract some traffic.

Here's what they have to say for themselves:

At 5 Minutes for Mom we aim to do three things:
  • Build community and provide exposure to all women bloggers.
  • Promote work-at-home moms and their efforts to provide financial support for their families.
  • Make a great blog!


  1. Ack - I got my first comment, and I blew it!

    A little while ago, I deleted this post, thought about it a bit and reposted it.

    Then I got an email, saying that someone had posted a comment - which, of course, I'd deleted!

    What a dumbass!

    So, I'm reposting the comment:

    Toni said:
    Welcome to the party!

    Whatever that broccoli thing is... it looks good! How can you not like broccoli????

    Thanks, Toni! In answer to your broccoli question - evidently I can't.

  2. Hey Whozat...let me guess - you voted for Bush, too? ha ha

    Enjoy the party!


  3. Hey Whozat...let me guess - you voted for Bush, too? ha ha

    HA HA HA!

    Thanks for stopping by - everyone is welcome here!


  4. Hey there, party goers!

    Just quickly browsing your sidebar, and the words "Pap Smear" popped out at me and nearly knocked me off my seat! LOL!

    Making a baby . . . would you consider just taking one of mine instead? Two of the three are already potty-trained. And my oldest can fix breakfast for herself. But I can't promise that they'll pick up their toys.

  5. Melissa says:
    the words "Pap Smear" popped out at me and nearly knocked me off my seat!

    Whoops - I considered referring to that as my "naked appointment" with the OB/Gyn (as opposed to the talk-with-my-clothes-on consulation this week) but thought better of it. Maybe I should have?

    Making a baby . . . would you consider just taking one of mine instead?

    Hmm, if our plans to make our own don't work out, I might give you a call.

    But I can't promise that they'll pick up their toys.

    Eh, neither do I. That's not a deal-breaker.

  6. Am checking out the party stuff too! So far it's great!! love it!

    Enjoying your blog...hope you come visit!

  7. Happy Party! I'm busy party hopping.. it's so wonderful to meet new people and not have to get dressed :-)

    Hope you have a good one... and I'm glad to meet you.

  8. No worries, I crashed too. Don't tell anyone but I'm the one in the corner stuffing chips down my shirt. *grin*

    Welcome to the party! Conga line anyone?

  9. Howdy all you partiers, and thanks for the comments. I hope you'll stick around for a bit.

    And, if you really like it, tell your friends to stop by!


What say you?