Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lumpy The Snowman

I sort of promised Peeper that we'd build a snowman as soon as it snowed. Which it did yesterday. A little bit.

A couple of weeks ago, we were at Target and she was not into trying on snowboots, so I told her "If you don't have snowboots, you can't go outside when it snows. Don't you want to go outside and play in the snow and build a snowman?"

Since then, if you mention boots, she'll tell you that hers are "bwoo" (She wanted nothing to do with the "pip" ones, only the "bwoo.") and then she'll say "Snowman!" ("myan-myan!")

So, I figured that with temperatures hitting the mid-30s today, we'd better get ourselves out there and start building.

And since our previously scheduled Christmas Countdown activity for today kind of got unscheduled, I quickly printed out the above snowman picture and stuck it in the advent calendar, and there it is. Snowman Day!
But did I mention that we didn't really get a whole lot of snow?
But it was cold, and snow is wet, so I figured it was a good excuse to try on the snowbib that came in one of the three sets of hand-me-downs that we've received for this season.

(On a related note, it's evidently a law that every little girl must have at least one red long-sleeved onesie, one black long-sleeved onesie and one pair of black Mary Janes. And then three different little girls gave them to Peeper, who now has four red and four black onesies, and three pairs of Mary Janes.)

But I digress. Is this not the cutest thing ever?

This isn't bad either. (But it's cuter without the coat. Colder, but cuter.)

See? Not much snow.

Meet Lumpy the Snowman!

There must have been some magic in that old dry leaf I found. For when I placed it on his head, he began to sit around!

When I first put the leaf on there, Peeper took it off and said "Weef!" I said, "No, that's his hat," so she said "Hat!" and put it back.

He's not very big, but he is very lumpy.

Peeper doesn't understand that snowmen really aren't portable.

Or maybe they are. This is the other back door.

Poor Lumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Eat 'em up cute outfit! And I think perhaps Lumpy is a snowBALL man. ;)


What say you?