Friday, December 3, 2010

Little Shittle

Yes, that is my desk (and all its associated clutter). No this is not "allowed."


  1. (Anonymama) That is a beautiful outfit she is wearing and it reminds me of a very similar one that you had at about the same age. Yours was straight down, not with the skirt as I remember. Sounds like a really fun evening.

  2. Anonymama: I meant to post this under the Swan Lake event. Or was it Nutcracker. Don't remember. That outfit was cute. This one not so much so.

  3. lol - Nutcracker and yeah, that outfit's MUCH cuter than this.

    The dress, along with what is probably the 4th or 5th longsleeve black onesie that she has for this winter, was a either a hand-me-down from one of our MOMS Club friends, or in a $5 box of used clothes that we bought from a different one.

    As we were getting her dressed tonight, Shrike suggested putting a red onesie under it instead.

    "Does she have a red onesie?"

    Um, yeah, about three of those, too.

    With the red tights (that I FINALLY found this morning!) it really made it much more Christmassy.

    She will probably wear this to see Santa and for Christmas Eve.

    I'm copying these 3 comments over to the Nutcracker post, so they make more sense, in the long run.


What say you?