Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mothra Lives

The other day, I was at the kitchen sink washing dishes, when I looked up to see this on the valance of the window over the sink:

After taking the photo, I ran away and hid in the other room, while Shrike scooped it up in some sort of container and took it back outside.

I'm not afraid of moths, but I ran away in case she spooked it and made it fly away, because I really don't want one that big (this sucker was probably about 2.5 inches from wing-tip to wing-tip) coming at me.

Evidently he didn't take off, but I guess he looked a little nervous, because from my hiding spot, I could hear her saying, "It's okay big fella, there you go. . . ."

1 comment:

  1. And you are the one to dispatch those critters whose name I dare not speak!


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