Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wild Saturday Night

After spending the afternoon driving the not-so-great-AC truck to HistoricTown, about 45 minutes away, to pick up 700 Obama yard signs and bring them back to our local Democratic Headquarters (we did have a strapping young Dem to help with the heavy lifting on each end), we were ready for a quiet night at home.

When we woke up from our nap (Any all-afternoon excursion requires a nap when we get home, of course.) we ate some leftovers for dinner, walked the dogs, and then worked on some craft projects. This is not a typical evening for us.

We are not crafty. We are not artsy. We are not in any way shape or form talented.

We're not even particularly coordinated.

But, I think we did pretty well, despite ourselves.

First, we worked together on the black background coat of the letters in Peeper's name, to hang on the wall in her room, then I finished them up
while Shrike worked on a project of her own:


  1. WOW, amazingly crafty for our genes!

  2. I should clarify that Shrike didn't actually build that pirate ship.

    It's a "ready to finish" project that comes assembled with painting instructions.


What say you?