Spring Planting
It's a beautiful day here in our neighborhood, and we made the most of it.
First, we finally got around to planting my veggies.The three pots in the back row are tomatoes, the two in the middle row are red bellpeppers, and the trough in front will have onions, as soon as we buy some. (They were out the day we bought the others.)
The table they're on is actually a wood rack that Shrike built a couple of years ago. We no longer have any wood stored on it, so she suggested moving it onto the patio for the plants, so that they can get sunlight, but BigGaloot can't get to them. Genuis!
After that, we hung out in the yard for a while, and even took a little nap on a blanket on the lawn.
Then we walked the dogs down by the railroad track, and in the woods. No dog-created carnage today, but there was one casualty, when Shrike tried to show off by jumping from a bank about three feet high onto a big rock by the creek. (We'd climbed up the bank a few minutes earlier, after crossing the creek to track down the dogs.)
It looked pretty cool at first, but then she lost her footing and landing smack on her ass on the rock. I could tell it hurt then, and I've noticed her wincing several times, as she's sat down or moved the wrong way. I suspect her tailbone is pretty bruised, but I guess there's really not much to be done about it - other than make fun of her for being a dumbass.
(And a broken ass.)
Later we did a bit of shopping. We picked up some wood for a project Shrike's got in mind for Peeper's room - cubes to stack into rearrangable storage shelves; I'll report in on how it goes.
Then we finally made it over to Circuit City and used our birthday money to buy a digital video camera. Woo hoo!
I'll probably play with that a bit tomorrow, and will try posting some videos when I figure out how.
Then dinner and ice cream, and now we're home and about ready for bed.
A wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteKiddo # 2 says that she may be able to help you with that video posting thing.
ReplyDeleteLK - Thanks, but it's really more about learning to use the editing software that came with the camera.
ReplyDeleteI've actually been playing with it this afternoon, and I think I've got some video of the pups all ready to upload in a minute here.