Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #16

Happy New Year!

10 Predictions for 2008
. . . and maybe a bit of wishful thinking

  1. I will get pregnant on our first IVF cycle, just in time to announce it at Easter.
  2. So will all our blog buddies who are trying to conceive.
  3. Gender predictions for our already-pregnant blog buddies:

  4. OneOfHisMoms - a baby sister for Cakey
  5. CutestLittleBabyMakers - a bouncing baby boy
  6. Cali - twin girls (one for each stork sighting)
  7. We'll throw a big party for Shrike's 39th birthday and my 40th. People won't be able to decide whether to pick on me for being "over the hill" or for starting to show, as I'll be just finishing up my first trimester.
  8. A Democrat will be elected President of the United States. I'm not sure which one yet, but the President and Vice President will both come from this pool:
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Barack Obama
    • John Edwards
      Thus, making history, one way or another.
  9. I will give birth to boy/girl twins on November 15, Anonymama's 75th birthday.
  10. Shrike will decide that they're not so creepy as she feared, after all, but that they are just as much work.
  11. My brother and sister-in-law will have twin girls two weeks later. (It's my prediction, I say we get to be first.)

Learn More About Ten on Tuesday


  1. I will run away when I see two rather than the desired one baby

  2. That's why I figured we'll have twins.

    You said it yourself: There is nothing stronger than the power of irony.

  3. Man, we better start saving now for next Christmas if we are going to have FOUR new little nieces/nephews by then! :D

  4. Nah, you only have to buy good presents for ours :-)

  5. Sounds like great predictions!!

  6. To get the 2 week behind nieces you need to give a head's up to their potential parents1
    I vote for your plan, by the way

  7. Oh, I'm sure someone's mentioned it to them a million times or so.

  8. I do not mention it to them unless they bring up the subject. When to have kids is the decision of the parents, not the grandparents. Also, one never knows who might be trying and nothing has happened. Bite one's tongue, even if one has an opinion such as hurry up, already.

  9. Hope all these predictions come true! Happy 2008, Robin

  10. Anonymama - Oh, I definitely agree on that. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who don't show as much restraint, though.

  11. Yay! She finally felt like a girl for a minute after I read that! Thanks for the rush. I toast my virgin hard cider (apple juice in lots of water) in your general direction to the idea that all of the predictions come true, except maybe the twin action for those of you who are scared. :)


What say you?