Friday, December 28, 2007

Looking for Mr. Good Genes

At our most recent appointment with Dr. T she gave us this cartoon, which a friend had emailed to her. We thought it was pretty funny but, also, we were kind of flattered that she saved it for us. Because we're dorks like that.
What with all the preoccupation with mock cycles and ass injections and the incredible generousity of my parents, I can't remember whether I've mentioned that, in moving to IVF, we're going to have to switch sperm donors.

BowTie, the donor for our first two cycles, is sold out and has left the program, so there's no more where that came from.

Popeye, whom we used for cycles 3 - 5 still has plenty of IUI-prep available, but no IVF prep specimens. I believe he's left the program, too, but has a waiting list for a few vials that are in storage, but owned by someone else.

Our third choice, Doc, for a while had only IVF available but now (of course) he's sold out. He's still in the program, but doesn't have any vials in quarantine (I guess he took a break?). He also has a waiting list.

We're on both those waiting lists, but I don't know how long they are. I should call and ask.

In the meantime, we're looking again.

Of course, it's probably just as well that we're reexamining our choice, because our criteria have changed a bit, now that we're looking at mixing his genes with Shrike's instead of mine.

For example, it's now more important that he be tall than skinny, we're now more interested in a mathy/sciencey type than an wordy type, and a family history of colon cancer is more of a concern than diabetes.

Also, the IVF vials are much cheaper than IUI, or even ICI, because you're getting a much smaller volume (half, I believe), so we're a bit more open to the guys with doctorates (or currently enrolled in a doctoral program), who cost more.

(Doc was our third choice because he was the most expensive of the three finalists.)

In searching the database at our cryobank, I noticed a link to "Find more donors at our affiliated cryobank . . . " so I checked them out, too.

Interestingly, the whole search engine and results and everything looked exactly the same as ours, but the prices are a bit cheaper, and - get this - you can get all the profile information (except for adult photos) for free, if you download them, rather than having them mailed to you.
Too cool.

So, I downloaded information on about five of them. They are all okay, but none really "clicked" for me.

We also downloaded one guy from our current bank about a week or so ago. He's okay, too, but again no "fireworks."

I need to show all the information on those new ones to Shrike and get her opinion, and probably download (not free) a couple more from the current bank.

There's a bit of paperwork that has to be done first, which will take some time, plus we want to get adult photos if they're available, so we need to get busy making up our minds, or the real cycle is going to be upon us and we'll be all egged up with no spermies!

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