Friday, November 2, 2007

From the Department of Much Better News for Other Folks

Congratulations to OneOfHisMoms (and the other one) and The Cutest Little Babymakers In Town, who've both gotten positive betas in the past couple of days!

Both couples have been at this a lot longer than we have, so I'm not only thrilled for them, but heartened by their success.

(Shrike keeps reminding me that "these things happen in threes" and I shouldn't give up on the peanuts just yet.)


  1. I am with Shrike on this one- things happen in threes! Good luck!

  2. Thanks! I am embarrasingly almost as happy to be finished with TTC as I am that I'm going to have a baby. I am poised to post your congratulations soon, too. anyone who throws such good Halloween parties must have kids. Period.

  3. You're welcome, and I can certainly understand that sentiment!


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