Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #30

In honor of my 30th Thursday Thirteen . . .

Thirteen Things I've Done in My 30s
(In sort of chronological order)
  1. Moved in with Shrike (technically, she moved in with me the day before my 30th birthday, but close enough)
  2. Came out - to everyone
  3. Quit teaching, after nine years
  4. Moved to BlueState with Shrike
  5. Taught myself web development; learned even more on the job
  6. Married Shrike (not legally yet)
  7. Became politically active
  8. Taken on leadership roles in my local and state Demoratic Parties
  9. Met the governor, several members of congress, and a (now) senator
  10. Worked for my state Democratic Party
  11. Was unemployed for five months
  12. Started a new career, back in education
  13. Started trying to get pregnant
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  1. Shit- feel like I haven't done squat! Check out my T13- it's kinda about motherhood!

  2. Sounds like you've done some pretty positive things.

  3. What a wonderful list of accomplishments - And love at the top of the list - Hurray!

    Happy TT.

  4. That's wonderful....good luck on the marriage thing; I'm hoping things change but right now it feels like they're going backward....


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