Thursday, July 5, 2007

The "Bloody Wanding"

I had my Day Three ultrasound today, and everything looks great.

They like to see 10 - 20 "antral follicles" (little eggs waiting in line to be stimulated and start developing) between the two ovaries.

Less than 10 can indicate a limited ovarian reserve; more than 20 is a sign of polycystic ovarian sydrome.

I have six in my right ovary and nine in my left, for a total of fifteen. Perfect!

I also had blood drawn for some more hormone tests. I'll get the results of those on Monday.

I'm scheduled to start the monitoring ultrasounds on Sunday July 15 (Day 12), and will pick up my syringe of HCG for the "triggering shot" at the first appointment.

Today, the nurse showed Shrike how to give me the shot. It will be subcutaneous, in the belly.

Sounds bad, but after a 200-pound weightloss, there's more than enough room to "pinch an inch" (or six) so I'm thinking it won't be so bad.


  1. Are you going to grow attractive facial hair and become a raging bitch through all this??

    Fun for Shrike too!

  2. No, that's my job

  3. lol . . . Not til I'm pregnant. As of now, there's no plans for any fertility drugs, other than the triggering shot to time the release of the egg that I will have already developed on my own.


What say you?