Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ho Ho Huh?

When Shrike got home from work a few minutes ago, I was sitting on the couch watching TV.

I saw her car pull into the driveway, then saw her walking past the front window, staggering under the weight of . . . what?

I opened the door and looked out, to see her carrying this.

What in the name of God is that?

If you can't tell from the photo, he's about three feet tall!

It seems that one of her coworkers brought him in to the office today, to get rid of, and she snatched him right up, just for me!

And I love him - in the most ironic, kitschy way possible!

This little guy is definitely going to be serving cheese and crackers - or maybe cookies - at our next Christmas party!


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  3. Thanks! I sooooo wanted to know!

    Now about Mini me Santa- is it kid proof? How easy can a baby push it over? Will it hurt when it topples on to of said kid?

  4. He's pretty heavy, and not very sturdy, so probably not real kid-proof.

    I don't think he's real dog-proof, either.

    He will probably only come out for the party itself, and won't stand around all holiday season.

    Altho, he does seem to be made of weather-resistant materials, so he might hang out by the front door (under the porch roof) holding some gifts or something, until party time.

    We'll have to do some thinking on it.

  5. Isn't he great? And free!

    It occurs to me that CHEESE would probably be the most appropriate thing for him to serve . . . .


What say you?