Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Frequent Flyers or Spermies, Spermies, Who's Got the Spermies?

Dr E's office has a variety of consent and release forms that we both have to sign before they'll actually do anything to me.

I didn't realize when we were actually there last week that they all need to be either signed in front of a witness at the office, or notarized.

Because the office is an hour from home (but practically next-door to my job) I'll go alone for the various ultrasounds and other monitoring-type appointments, and Shrike won't be going with me again until the actual insemination.

So, we went over to our bank this morning to have the papers notarized.

Easier said than done.

First, none of the forms actually had the "notarize here" stuff printed on them, so she had to type it onto each one separately. Also, some didn't have enough white space for it, so she had to put it on the bank, which kind of freaked her out.

I finally just told her to put it on the back, and if it wasn't good enough, we'd deal with it later.

I told Shrike afterward that she could have knitted us a fucking baby blanket in the time it took to notarize four damn forms.

(She did, however, tell us "Good luck with everything!" as we were leaving. That was sweet.)

Somehow, I managed to get down to work with about ten minutes to spare, so I thought I'd pop in at Dr. E's and drop off the paperwork, to make sure that it was all kosher. (It was.)

While I was there, I asked whether our sperm had arrived. It was supposed to have shipped out on Friday, and I was expecting it to arrive yesterday.

(We won't need it for 2 - 3 more weeks, but Dr. E's office will store it for free and the cryobank will charge for storage.)

Nope, they'd not seen it. We wondered if perhaps it had been sent to one of their other offices, so they called over to check on that. Not there, either.

During all the back-and-forth about that, I found out that they don't actually have storage facilities at the location I'm using, only at the other one.

Luckily though, it can be couriered back and forth between the two.

When it shows up.

After a very busy day at work, I finally found a moment in the late afternoon to call the cryobank, who checked with FedEx and told me that it had been delivered to my location at 11:30 am (I was there at 10:30).

So, it seems to now be in Dr. E's possession, but they'll have to send it over to the other location for a couple of weeks, then courier it back when we need it.

Let's recap, shall we.

These little guys started out at the Cryobank, in . . . um . . . SpermState.

From there, they were shipped to Dr B's office in BlueState.

Last cycle was a no-go, so they shipped back to the Cryobank.

After couple of days there, they went back out, to Dr E's office in NeighborState.

Tomorrow, I suppose, a courier will take them to her other office, also in NeighborState.

In two to three weeks, when I'm about to ovulate, the courier will bring the back to her WorkTown office.

(Unless, of course, I'm going to ovulate on the weekend, in which case we'll do it at the other office, as it's the only one open on weekends.)

And all that, before it ever gets near me!

It's a good thing we're doing IUI, and they won't have far to go to find the egg, once they're inside me.

The poor dears are probably exhausted already.


  1. Jeee ZUS! To much traveling for the little guys! I really hope you get knocked up the first time! I am sure y'all are thinking the same thing!


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