Monday, April 30, 2007

Google Me

I've been keeping an eye on the site stats for this blog, and the part that I always find most interesting is the "referrers" - or the sites that are linking to me.

Most of my visitors are getting here from blog rolls on other sites that participate in the same weekly memes, plus a handful of blogs that actually link specifically to me.

And then, there are the folks who stumble in while searching for something else.

Here are some of the best search strings that found me recently (linked to the pages to which they lead, via Google):

And the number one search string for which my blog is a result . . . .


  1. [J] those are brilliant. I like the self-restraint in "largish onion picture." It's so gauche to simply blurt out "large onion picture."

  2. What the F***?? Weird people out there!

  3. DC - I know! And what's funny is how many hits there were for recipes callig for a "largish onion."

    T - Wierd people who can't spell the names of their body parts!

    Oh - and speaking of body parts, I guess I'm now free to break mine, as I HAVE INSURANCE!!!

    (I'm on my way to the lab in just a few minutes, to give them about half my blood, in fact.)


What say you?