Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Running Late!

Whew - I've not voiced this outloud, in case I can't manage it, but I've made a goal for myself (at least until I'm working fulltime) of posting here at least once per day.

I just confess that it's actually a bit past midnight, but Blogger seems to thing it's 11:30 (hmm, have they not sprung forward yet?) so I guess I made it.

(Another confession: If I hadn't, I was going to edit the post time to make it look like I had!)

So, what have I been doing all day?

First, I got no sleep last night because I'd slept all day Sunday, because I'd been up til all hours on Saturday.

(Ugh - it's a vicious cycle - Oh, but it gets worse.)

I got up bright and early to drive about 45 minutes for an interview at TutoringCenter. That went very well, and I've got a second interview (which will involve some sort of personality / job-fit testing. Hmm) on Friday, at a different location about an hour away (in a different direction).

We discussed salary and all that, and it would be much lower than what I'm used to; even with the bonus, probably about $10K less than what I was making at BlueState Dems, and about $8K less than OldJob.

That puts it at anywhere from $1K to $12K less than what I might make at StateJob.

There's a 6 week waiting period on the bonus, as well as on insurance and such.

There is short-term disability insurance available (for an additional fee) which would come in very handy for maternity leave, and in case I ran into problems during pregnancy.

They seem to be interviewing three people for two Director of Education positions - one at the center where I interviewed this morning and one at the one where I'll be on Friday.

When she asked if I were ok with either, I said that, of course, closer would be better and if I had a choice, I'd prefer today's place but that if it's the other or nothing, I could live with it.

I said I'd really prefer the town where Shrike works (30 minutes away) if that were to be available, down the road.

She said that she expects it will, and when there's an opening, they look first to current employees who live near there. Good to know.

When I got home, I called my contact at the state (in the office that is sort of a go-between for hiring on this kind of job) and asked if he could find out where things stand.

I said that I don't want to pressure them, but I do have some other interviews and that it would be helpful to know if I'm even still in the running.

After all, if they haven't made a hire yet, but they've aleady decided not to hire me, I'm wasting a whole lot of time and energy worrying about which job would be better!

He said that they'd been planning to call and check on it anyway, and he'd let me know what they found out. No word back on that.

Meanwhile, when I got out of the interview, I had a message waiting from OldJob. The not-so-new guy quit (was fired??) this morning, and she had some work that had to get done today.

When I got home, I found that she'd forwarded several emails to me, on seven different clients!

Needless to say, that filled up most of my afternoon, and I didn't get to all of them, because I'm waiting on additional information.

We did manage to get in a walk, then went out for dinner (Chinese buffet - should've gone for lunch, though - much cheaper).

After dinner, I wasn't feeling so great - really tired and just kind of ooky, so I went to lay down as soon as we got home (around 7 pm).

Shrike asked what time she should wake me up, but I told her to just let me sleep.

I knew that was a mistake.

I woke up a few minutes ago, hungry with my head hurting. As I was puttering around in the bathroom, I heard Shrike puttering in the other bath.

Getting ready for bed, evidently.

I accidentally snuck up on her while she was brushing her teeth and made her scream like a girl. BigGaloot came running in to protect her - it was very sweet.

She's now in bed, and I'm up. For at several hours, I'm sure.


But, I should be able to get some more work done on this OldJob stuff.

If their new guy doesn't work out, at least they'll have been reminded how valuable I am. (And will have seen what I can do working from home, which could come in handy down the road.)

Now, if I can just keep my damn Internet connected long enough to get anything done . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a LONG day! I think it is a good sign that OldJob sent you some work. Thought StateJob was out??


What say you?