Friday, April 13, 2007


No time to chat, because I need to hop in the shower and get ready to go out for a celebratory dinner, but I got an offer from TutoringCenter today, I've accepted it and I start on Monday April 23.

I talked to the guy with the state about StateJob and he said that it might not happen, and it will certainly take a while longer, and he recommended that I take this one.

I'm trying to negotiate with them to get health insurance coverage immediately, rather than waiting 90 days. They offered to shorten the wait to 60 days, and I countered with an offer to pay 75% (instead of the standard 50%) for 120 days.

If that doesn't fly, I'll offer to pay 100% for 60 days, but that would be pretty tight.

Neither option will get me coverage by next week, when I have appointments scheduled, but I can push those back til May and should be ok. Better than July!

More details when I have them, but I have to go now!


  1. YAY! I'm so happy for you! I've been sending out good juju vibes! I'll go have a celebratory Baileys and coffee in your honor! (Any reason to drink lately!!)

    Shit- this is gonna cut into your blogging time, isn't it? Damn! Knew there was a downside. For me!


  2. Congrats! What great news! Hope your celebratory dinner is fabulous!

  3. Thanks, all.

    Dinner was nice, though nothing spectacular.

    Then we went and played at the new Target - but did not buy anything!

    I am worried about the whole working-for-money thing cutting into my blogging time, but I'll do my best!


What say you?