Friday, March 2, 2007

The Support of Our Loved Ones

After I wrote the first couple of posts here, I asked Shrike to read them.

Her first response (about 2 sentences in, I think) was "I thought it was supposed to be funny?"

Thanks, honey, thanks a lot.

I gently pointed out that this was my first effort, and that not every blog is Creampuff-fucking-Revolution, and that perhaps she'd set her standards a little bit high.

Maybe there was a "fuck you" thrown in there for good measure.

I forget.

Oh, by all means, do check out Creampuff Revolution, featuring the hi-fucking-larious adventures and misadventures of Roro Kimtor, freelance writer, playwright and beaverancée of one of my oldest friends, Katr.

Roro and Katr are getting big-gay-married in a few months, and Shrike and I are invited!

(They are Canadian, which explains both the comedic genius and the having of the civil rights.)


  1. Just me.. snooping around, please tell me y'all will come up with better names for the baby??? Perfect baby or boy human just isn't that endearing!

  2. lol - actually, the puppers have pretty good real names but I was kind of stumped when I was coming up with their blogonyms!

    (Although, we actually do call the pup "BigGaloot" pretty often, in real life. That and "JackAss.")

    We do have real baby names picked out (although they could change) but we should probably start working on a good blogonym now!

  3. And, the kitties have pretty great real names, too (although we do call "MamaCat" that pretty often.)

    My parents on the other hand, had a pair whom, although they had some crazy fancy names on paper, they referred to exclusively as "Boy Cat" and "Girl Cat."

    And, later, they had a "Girl Cat II."

    I considered called BoyCat "Stripey Cat" here, because we often call him that, and that was his "kitten name" before I decided on their real ones.

    However, GirlCat's kitten name was "Li'l Un" because she was the runt.

    Since she now weighs about 22 lbs, I thought that might just be confusing. And it seemed rude to call her "Fat Cat."

    So, yeah, their blogonyms are pretty lame, but rest assured that we were more creative in real life!

  4. Hahahahahaaaa! Excellent use of expletive infixation there. Thanks for the shout-out and I'm so excited about your blog - so much to catch up on! Huzzah!

  5. Thanks, Roro! You are my blog-hero, you know :-)


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