Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Boxing Day

No photos today, but we did do a lot of talking and thinking and planning about aaaallllll the ways in which we are going to be different people in the New Year.


Actually, although we do need to be different people, today's discussions focused primarily on:

  1. What the hell are we going to do with all the stuff we (Peeper!) just got for Christmas? 
  2. What the hell are we going to do with all the other crap that's a mess around here?
  3. What are we going to do with things that we are replacing with new things that we got for Christmas? 
  4. How are we going to get rid of all the crap we don't need? 
  5. What new storage devices can we buy to make that happen? 
  6. What awesome Christmas stuff can we get on the cheap right now? 
  7. What other stuff could we buy that would be cool to own, but we didn't realize we needed it in time to ask for it for Christmas, or we didn't get it for Christmas, or hey, that just looks really cool? 


Actually, we did go to Michael's and Target and buy a few clearance items, and I made a list of every little place in the house that needs to be decluttered, organized and cleaned. (In other words, I made a list of every little place in the house.)

Stay tuned to see if any of this stuff actually happens.

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