Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

We had a lovely Fourth of July! Shrike was off work, so we actually got to spend the day together as a family, and we were also able to spend the evening with friends.

We started with swimming lessons. It was "family day" so there were lots of parents and grandparents hovering around the deck taking photos, so we were finally able to get close enough for you to actually see Peeper in the pool.

From there, we grabbed some lunch and made a Target run to get a few things for this evening. Then home to pit all those cherries that we picked the other day, and bake a cherry pie. I meant to take a photo as soon as it came out of the oven, but of course, I remembered right after I'd served the first slice. It was much prettier about thirty seconds earlier.

The pie (and a watermelon, and s'mores fixins that didn't get used and half a bottle of wine) went with us over to T's house, where we had a cookout with her family and A's family. I got lots of Baby N snuggles, as did Peeper. She told me, "He's breathing. His little belly is going up."

From there, we went to another MOMS Club friend's house to watch the fireworks. She lives right next to the park, and they were shooting them off literally just a few feet from her backyard. As soon as they started, several of the little ones freaked out because of the noise and had to go inside, but not our Peeper. She loved it.

We'd brought glow sticks/bracelets for all the kids, and during the show, she was "directing" the fireworks, telling them what to do!

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