Friday, January 28, 2011


We had a cold day today. This afternoon we played in the snow, and this evening, we went to IceFest.


  1. I love the ice chair! Was there hot chocolate somewhere along the way? I think that would be most necessary! Your dog, by the way, has the most gorgeous coat. He looks completely winter-proof.

  2. "The big chair" (It's quite high up) is the big attraction of IceFest.

    Well, that and, this year, the ice slide.

    And there was hot chocolate. Lots. We actually made some at home during the afternoon, and the when we got there, I stopped at the coffee shop and got me a coffee and wanted a tiny hot chocolate for Peeper, but the smallest size is 12 oz! So, she drank some, and I added the rest to my coffee :-)

    Of course, then we ran across at least four groups handing out free hot chocolate.


    And, thanks, re BigGaloot. He's actually the less winterized of the two dogs!


What say you?