Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gingerbread House

In addition to Singing Santa III, I found another $9.99 gem at Target last night - a preassembled gingerbread house, with all the trimmings. All we had to do was open the box, squish on the icing and stick candy in it.

Good thing.

Decorating the house.

A virtual tour.

I don't know what this is about. Every time I said, "Stand by your house, so I can take a picture" this is what she did. I guess she's standing by it?

That's better.

Taking her house for a walk.


  1. Very cute. And her jammies match it nicely. :)

  2. Prebaked gingerbread house, good idea. My kids and I have made them from scratch, but when you bake your ever-so-carefully rolled and cut out pieces, they shrink and they don't fit together very well once they're baked. Then you need big globs of icing to hold the thing together, and it still falls apart. Eating the candy is the most fun part, as Peeper obviously knows. And the dogs too. I assume they were hanging around scarfing up all the ones Peeper dropped.


What say you?