Sunday, February 14, 2010

And The Queen Has Been Restored To Her Throne


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! I notice that Peeper's hair is looking very beautiful, (not that it looked bad before, but she did tend to have that "I just got up" look.) Now it is sleek, shiny and silky. You guys must be really working on it with the brush and detangler. Peeper, you are looking pretty!

  2. How did her evening with her other grandma go?

  3. Anonymous - Oh, she still has the "I just got up" look often enough, but I am trying to comb it out after her bath, so it doesn't tangle, and I've got a spray bottle of water to wet it down and comb it when we're going places. I try to only use the detangler when necessary - but occassionally, it has been necessary!

    Anonymama - They said she did well. She was only there about three hours, but was away from me for more like four, since Shrike did the drop-off and pick-up.

  4. Anonymous - Notice the back of her head in the gift opening post. She HAD just gotten up, AND looks like it!

  5. Good! She is big enough for that, now. I is good for her and for you two. To say nothing of her grandmother. I know they enjoyed.


What say you?