Monday, December 15, 2008

Weight Check

We got Peeper's weight checked this morning, and she's now at 6 pounds 10.5 ounces, which is a gain of seven ounces in the past six days!!!

(I guess that's what the extra-fortified-with-Christmas-cookies-and-Hershey's-miniatures breast milk will do for you.)

The nurse showed the weight to the doctor, and told me that she was, "very impressed."

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who takes this so personally.

I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, growth is important to her health, and all, that may be why they say we're tracking it, but, really, I know that it's just a way of quantifying my worth as a mother.

Even more so, of course, now that I'm not only making all her food but feeding it all to her, too.

After all, if she doesn't grow as much as they want, it's obviously all my fault, and I'm the Worst Mother Ever, right?

On the other hand, when she gains more than an ounce a day, over the first full week of exclusively breastfeeding?

My boobs totally kick ass.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! :)

    (This is ladykay, for some reason I can't sign in as me. :(


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