Peeper Update
I had not one, but two Peeper-related appointments today.
First, I met with the diabetic counselor, thanks to my high glucose tolerance test.
She issued me a glucometer, a food journal and some rather broad dietary guidelines.
Starting today, I'm testing my blood sugar five times a day - first thing in the morning, 2 hours after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and before bedtime.
The tricky part will be that I rarely let it get to be two hours since my last meal!
On Tuesday, I will go back and meet with an actual dietician. I will show her my food journal and blood sugars and she'll let me know if I need to tweak anything with my diet.
This is my fancy, pink glucometer. Because Peeper is a girl.
This afternoon, I had an ultrasound with the perinatologist and all seems to be well with Peeper.
She's looking good, moving well and doing some "practice breathing."
She now weighs about 2 lb 3 oz, which is in the 32nd percentile for her age.
We did get a bit concerned when the sonographer told us that the ultrasound machine was reporting that she was in the 7th or 8th percentile, but when Dr. Peri came in, he said not to listen to that machine, it always says much lower than the actual numbers.
The computer said 32nd and he was very happy with that. He also showed us her measurements on the growth curve, and she's continuing to move right along there.
Of course, I reported to him about my blood sugar, but he didn't feel like 147 was something to be majorly concerned about. He figures that if I were to do a three-hour test, it would probably come out fine, but it's still best to be cautious, since they don't want to give me that one.
I will go back to Dr. Peri in three weeks, and after that, I'll see him weekly.
We went ahead and scheduled out all the appointments through my due date, but the receptionist seemed a bit hesitant to book the last two or three. She said, "I don't think you're going to make it that far."
I'm not sure what evidence she's working from, but I told her that I've already told Peeper that she has to stay in until Election Day (at which point I'll be 37 weeks). Once the polls close, all bets are off, though.
I've joked that, based on previous election cycles that I've been deeply involved in, once it's over, I figure I'll probably relax so much that she'll just fall right out!
Or, assuming Obama wins, the sudden shift from stress hormones to happy hormones will kick me into labor.
(On the other hand, if McCain were to win, she might decide she'd prefer to just stay inside.)
Oh, and there were (2D) photos, of course, but we won't have them scanned until tomorrow.
Think how long you would have to stay pregnant with a disastrous result such as Gore-Bush!