Thursday, September 25, 2008

Meet Peeper's Cousin!

I've been absolutely dying to blog about this since I found out like a freaking month ago, but the information has been embargoed until it was confirmed by ultrasound - which was delayed by that damn hurricane knocking out the power in Houston. 

But, finally, I'm allowed to say it: 

BabyBro and HisLovelyWife are pregnant!

Here's a photo of their embryo from today's ultrasound: 

Based on the measurements, they are officially dating her at 7 weeks, 6 days - which makes her due on May 10, 2009 - Mother's Day!

(And the day before my birthday, and three days before LadyKay's!)

So, Peeper and her cousin will be about six months apart, and will be in the same grade. 

Congratulations, BabyBro and YourLovelyWife!!!

1 comment:

  1. To my absolutely unprejudiced grandmother's eye, that is one beautiful baby. I am truly blessed as Peeper (as a blob) was also strikingly beautiful. Too bad other people can't have beauties like that!


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