Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike Update

The anonyparents got in to check on their house and LadyKay's.  Both houses look to be in pretty good shape, and over-all the town "doesn't look nearly as bad as after Rita."

They've got a few shingles missing, and some siding, but no roof leaks. The tree in the backyard has finally bit the dust, and is now leaning on the fence and a bit onto the neighbor's roof, but doesn't seem to have damaged it. 

In Rita, the top half of that tree broke off, and landed in the empty patio - not on the neighbor's house, nor on theirs. This time, they were on the opposite side of the eye, so the winds were going the other direction, but luckily the tree is smaller now, so it doesn't seem to have hurt anything. 

They cleaned out fridges at both houses and Anonydaddy's office. They took things like lunchmeats and cheese back with them, but had to toss a bunch of frozen stuff, because they've got no way to cook it and no way to get it to anyone who could cook it. 

They also loaded up their cat, and she handled the trip better than expected. She complained when they stopped or took at sharp turn, but was mostly calm. 

BabyBro reports that his power's been out and back on, and that everything is okay at his house, but "the rest of Houston is in bad shape," including the downtown skyscraper where he works.  

LadyKay thinks she's got school on Tuesday, and is working on figuring out the logistics of that. 

No idea when power will be restored in Hometown so they can go home. 

More updates as I have them.

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