Sunday, August 17, 2008

Overheard Today

In the truck this afternoon, as Shrike was driving and I was playing with her hair:

Whozat: What's wrong?
Shrike: Nothing.
Whozat: Are you okay?
Shrike: Yeah, I'm fine.
Whozat: What is it?
Shrike: What do you mean? I'm winking at you!
Whozat: Oh! I can only see the one eye from here, so it just looked like a grimace!
This evening, as she was rummaging in the cabinet to find bowls for leftovers:
Shrike: I believe that all domestic violence is directly caused by Tupperware™.


  1. You two make me laugh! I'm sitting next to my Jodi and I'm trying to explain to her what I'm laughing at, Shrike's even toned voice talking about the Tupperware.. Whozat not being able to see the winking eye... and I'm hysterical. Jodi's got no clue. Sheesh!!!!

  2. Actually, the winking eye was the one that I could see, but I didn't know the other one was still open, so I assumed she was squinting them both, or grimacing or something. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.


What say you?