Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kitty Report

The kitties seem to be surviving on their new diet, although they're not too thrilled about it.

They haven't quite figured out that they have to get their fill now because the food is going to go away soon, so we are feeding them four times a day for now, and hope to cut back to twice a day.

Even over the four meals, they're not finishing their allotted one cup per kitty, but I'm thinking that as they figure out the system, they'll probably start eating more of it.

GirlCat's on antibiotics for a few days, and bless Shrike's heart for dealing with that, because she's much better than I am at shoving the pills down her little kitty throat.

Well, I guess I'd better go see how the Boy's doing with his midnight snack, and put it away if he's stopped eating.


  1. Did you ever get that email (I got it from Anonymama) about how to give a cat a pill? It has all these steps and various attempts and it includes bandages, vodka, three or four people. The best part is that when LadyKay read it to me that she then said, "And it's not really that complicated. In real life, you get a pair of pliers..." Yes, it starts with a pair of pliers!!!

  2. When I was a kid, we had three "intact" female cats, who were on (seriously) birth control pills for quite a while, before we had them spayed.

    Once a month, the Anonyparents would get out the pills and the needle-nosed pliers, and a towel and the bandaids and vodka. . . .

    (Ok, maybe I exaggerate. Anonydaddy's more of a beer guy.)

    Then, one day, one of the pills was sitting on the table, waiting to be shoved down a kitties throat, and one of the cats sniff, sniff, sniffed at it, thought a moment, and gobbled it up.

    From then on, that's how it was done.

    Or perhaps I'm remembering that incorrectly.



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