Saturday, July 19, 2008

And, Still, More Craftiness

Shrike is working on a paint-by-numbers picture of a panda for Peeper's room.

At first, it sounded easy, but when it arrived and she looked at the picture and the board with all the numbers, she kind of started freaking out about it.

I told her that if it turned out crappy, we could just wait a couple of years before hanging it up, then tell people that Peeper painted it herself.

It really does look quite complicated and difficult, but it seems to be coming along nicely. I'm impressed.


  1. I'm VERY impressed, crafty challenged that I am.

  2. Aaaww, thanks. What surprised me is how relaxing and fun it is. I mean art has never been my forte. I am slightly better at it than math, but I am better at auto mechanics than math.We were just at JoAnn's and you don't know how tempted I was to buy another one. THis one a horse so I could paint it for our niece, S. Sorry, A, but if you liked horses like S likes horses, I would paint one for you. Unfortunately, I don't think they have paint by number Godzillas for Godzilla Boy. Man I am stumped enough for his upcoming bday. I could get hime a hat that says "If you ain't Godzilla, you ain't s---, but I think his mom might have a problem with that.


What say you?