Monday, May 12, 2008

Manic Monday #32

  1. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' were true, I would be a big bowl of chocolate-covered macaroni and cheese.
  2. If you had to have one piece of music (softly) playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?
    Ew, that's a tough one, because my "favorite" song changes pretty often. There are a lot that I might choose for entertainment purposes, but for overall calming, inspirational and, I dunno, meditative(?) purposes, I think I'd go with Peace, I Ask of Thee, Oh River, as sung by the women who attend the annual adult reunion at my summer camp.

  3. What is the most important thing in any relationship?
    Love, communication, understanding, blah, blah, blah. Beyond that obvious stuff, what I've found very helpful for us is that we both have a sense of humor about things. I think that if you can manage to not take each other, or yourselves, too seriously, and to see through the anger or hurt or whatever of the moment to recognize how foolish you look in the big picture, it really helps.

Learn more about Manic Monday.


  1. YUCK, chocolate covered mac and cheese? The thought gags me. Great answers though. Happy MM

  2. Lol - well, I don't really eat it like that, Sandy, but that's the two things I probably eat the most of. So that's what I would be.

  3. Do you remember the home-cookin' place where we would eat after weekends at the lake? They had family style service with a plethora of choices. You loved to go and ate only chicken and dumplings. Lots of chicken and dumplings. Everybody else had fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, many vegetables(mostly fried) and numerous other delights. It was the place with the old farm museum where Granddad took us through, knowing all the tools first hand. (Should that be anonygranddad?) I am gettin all nostalgic thinking about him and ya'll as little kids.

  4. Mmm, yes, I do remember. You know, I took my camp staff there a couple of years, after we'd visited our sister camp, which is right up the road from the restaurant.

    And I still ate nothing but chicken and dumplings. Well, that and cobbler.


What say you?