Thursday, May 15, 2008

Drinking Liberally

Confession: I'm back-dating this post by a couple of hours, because it was almost 2 am when I got home.

Tonight was drinking (water) liberally, and this is probably the latest we've stayed out in several months. (Usually it's more like midnight!)

I took the newest Peeper photos with me, and as soon as I got there, I was passing them around to everyone. (Mostly the usual suspects, plus one new woman.)

A little while later, the new woman mentioned that she's a midwife, and a while after that, she asked where I plan to birth Peeper.

I told her "At OurTown Hospital, with Dr. B."

She said, "Oh, that's my practice!"

I asked, "What's your name?"

She told me, and it sounded very familiar, so I said, "I think I'm scheduled to see you in a few weeks. Oh my God, you're going to give me a Pap smear!"

Well, as it turns out, I checked my datebook later and I'm actually scheduled to see a different one of the midwives on June 2 for a Pap and a check, but I'm sure I will be seeing her - and she will very likely be seeing a lot of me - over the next seven months or so.

That's a little weird.


  1. Um...yeah...we need to make it an earlier night next month. (Yawn)
    It was fun hanging out, though.

  2. Yes, and I heard the topics of conversation were quite interesting. YIKES! I am not sure whether I should be there to edit or not be there so I won't be embarrassed :-)

  3. LiPA - Naaah!

    Shrike - Well, I wasn't drinking, so (shockingly, perhaps) I probably did more listening than talking.


What say you?