Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #30

Ten Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks of Mine

  1. I count things. Things that don't need to be counted. Preferably in multiples of four. Always in even numbers.

  2. I don't like stepping on cracks (no, it's not about Anonymama's back) and if there are changes in the flooring/ground/surface that I'm walking on, I'd much prefer to do an even number of steps on each type of surface. Even if it's just two different colors of identical carpeting or tile, I swear I can feel the difference with my feet.
  3. Speaking of colors and evenness and such: When I eat M&Ms, sometimes I just shovel them in, but more often, I sort them by color, and eat them in order from lightest to darkest, two at a time, chewing one on each side of my mouth.

  4. For some reason, I'm hanging on to the empty medication vials from not only my estrogen and progesterone, but both of our stim meds, from the IVF and from my IUI cycles. I've also got about six sharps boxes full of needles/syringes. I guess I'm waiting until I'm all done with the meds to get rid of all the sharps at once, and I'm hesitant to get rid of the unopened vials, for fear that if I don't have them, something will go wrong, and I'll need them again. But what's up with empty progesterone vials? Maybe I'd just saving it all to take one big photos off all the detritus when I'm done with the injections in a few weeks? Yeah, that's the ticket.

  5. There are a lot of traditions that I try to follow, nothing really wierd enough to be worth mentioning here. The most important ones to me are family holiday traditions, and all sorts of traditions from my summer camp.

  6. Oh, here's one, that sort of comes from camp. In Camp Fire, candles (and fire, as you can imagine) are a big deal, and it's sort of a "thing" that you snuff out ceremonial candles, rather than blowing them out, so that you don't "blow away the good spirits." I tend to follow that with candles in "regular" life too, if they are lit in any sort of ceremonial type way. (Except for birthday candles, which of course, must be blown. But, see below about the wishes.)

  7. When I eat an apple, I twist the stem and say the alphabet, and make sure that the stem comes off right on Shrike's actual first initial (not "S"). She does the same thing. As those of you who actually know me can imagine, she has to yank on that stem a lot harder than I do, to make it work!
  8. Any time I "make a wish" I must go on and on and on and include all the details and, as Shrike puts it, "get the monkey-paws out."
  9. When my necklace gets turned around, I kiss the clasp, make a wish, and turn it back. Because I'm twelve years old.

  10. This happens pretty often, and I was spending alot of time reciting several years worth of "wish" so I finally just declared that I had made a "wish macro" defining the default wish for the necklace, so now I just kiss it and say (silently) "wish" and go about my business.

Wow. I am a fucking freak.

Learn More About Ten on Tuesday


  1. It would be mean to say it. Maybe I will answer this one too, though since I am being so smug. WE can see how superstitious I am.

  2. Definitely my child. I, too, do lots of obsessive/compulsive things, many similar to those above. Check with Lady Kay on these things, also.

  3. Does never wanting to go out in public count as a personality quirk? I am xenophobic, claustrophobic and a combination of the two, I hate crowds. And loud noises. And telephones. I hate talking on the telephone. Even with the love of my life, I have a certain amount of time that it is okay for me to be on the phone and then the alarm sounds.I guess because I find it frustrating that I am not in person with whoever I am talking to. Unless they are selling something and then I am very glad they aren't there.

  4. Yep, I'm outing LadyKay as a "counter," too.


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