Saturday, March 8, 2008

So Far, So Good

They're not completely done with the PGD testing, but we did get a bit more information this evening.

Of the six embryos that passed yesterday's test for the first five chromosomes, three have been tested for the other five, and all passed!

The other three are still being tested, and we won't find out about them until tomorrow.

We also got a development report on all six.

First, the three that we know are chromosomally normal:

One is right on target - it's a morula (solid ball), the stage before blastocyst (hollow ball) which we want to see tomorrow. (see chart below)

One is developing a bit more slowly; it was not yet a morula this morning (it was in the process of compacting to becomeone) but may well be there by now.

The third seems to be a slacker, and only has about six cells. It's not looking so good for that one.

Of the three that we don't have PGD results for yet:

Two were compacting this morning, and are likely to be morulas now (like #2 above).

The other was a morula and was already starting to caveate (??) cavitate (you illiterate fuck) and turn into a blastocyst - it's the genius child of the bunch.

She didn't have any information about how they look in terms of symmetry, fragmentation and that sort of thing.

She was very positive about our chances of having two good looking, chromosomally normal embryos to transfer tomorrow.

She also said that, while we're hoping for blastocysts at day five, they will transfer morulas, if that's where the best ones are.

We will, of course, get a full report tomorrow before we transfer.

She asked when we have to leave home to go down there, so I think they plan to call us when they have the results. I told her to go ahead and call, even if we're on our way, since they number they have is my cellphone anyway.

(She's actually caught me in the car on both calls, so far!)

So, just about 18.5 hours to go (no, wait, 17.5 hours, because we're springing forward!) until I have a couple of Peeps in me!

Chart stolen from - and our info added.


  1. I love the pictures of my grandbabies! Even if they are sketches they are beautiful. Thinking about ya'll tomorrow.

  2. I love the pictures of my grandbabies! Even if they are sketches they are beautiful. Thinking about ya'll tomorrow.

  3. Whoo-hoo!! Thank you for the chart-- very helpful. We are just two days behind you guys (transfer on Tuesday). Good luck!


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