Saturday, January 5, 2008

One Down, Fifty-One To Go

Weeks in 2008, that is. Well, work weeks. Or something like that. Somehow, for a week with a day off in the middle, it sure was long. Monday seems like it was forever ago. Almost like it was . . . last year!

So, what have we been up to, in the shiny new year?

I've been doing pretty well with the Five Day Pouch Test, and am at the tail-end of Day Three - Soft Proteins. I had a scrambled egg for breakfast, a couple of servings of leftover black-eyed peas at work and most of a small bowl of chili when I met Shrike for dinner. Since I've been home, I've scrambled up another egg, finished off the chili, and whipped up some very-light-on-the-mayo chicken salad. Maybe not salad, maybe just chicken with some stuff in it.

Still pissed about the cottage cheese / sour cream mix-up.

On the baby front, we got our "not crazy" letter from Dr. T yesterday morning (Thanks, Dr T!), and then the check from my parents arrived in the mail that afternoon. (Big thanks, Anonyparents!)

We were kind of freaking out about the check, looking for a "safe place" to put it, where it'll come to no harm, but we'll remember to take it with us to our appointments on Monday.

Silly, really. It's a check. A big check, but still a check.

It's not a briefcase full of hundred dollar bills.

And it's from my parents. Who would trust me if I had to tell them that BigGaloot had eaten it or something and it needed replaced.

And who would know where to find us if both checks were somehow cashed, after all.

(Or not, depending on what we did with the money, I suppose.)

And who are smart enough to stop payment on a missing big-ass check.

But, so far, so good. I'm looking at it right now, it's out of Galoot's reach, and I can't imagine we'll forget it on Monday.

It wouldn't be a huge thing if we were to forget it, anyway. Right now we just owe a $4000 deposit, which is less than the part we'll be paying, anyway.

As far as that goes, we've got a home equity line of credit lined up with our credit union. We just have to get hold of the mortgage bank (phone tag) and have them close the line that we have with them, and then tell the credit union about it, before they'll let us sign the paperwork.

No huge rush on that, as we have room on our credit card for it. We'll just put our share on there and then use the line of credit to pay that off when the bill comes. I just mailed off a payment, so we've got some time before the next one is due.

"Our share" is the most efficient way that I can think of to say "the portion of the IVF bill that we'll be paying ourselves, after using my parents' incredibly generous contribution to pay the majority of it," but, on the other hand, it doesn't sit quite right, in my mind.

If we have "a share" that's anything less that 100%, that would seem to indicate that my parents' contribution is somehow "their share" or the portion that they "owe" when it's nothing of the sort.

Every penny of the money they are giving us is way above and beyond the parental call of duty - not to mention the grandparental call of duty which, really, only requires love and spoilage - and I certainly don't want my language to give a false impression that we don't fully realize that.
Other than that, the only other news of note here is that, a couple of hours ago, my throat started feeling funky, and I'm not optimistic about what that might be foreshadowing. Which is just fucking ridiculous, given that I've only been over my last cold for a few weeks. Maybe it's just a fake. I hope.


  1. throat started feeling funky, and I'm not optimistic about what that might be foreshadowing. Which is just fucking ridiculous, given that I've only been over my last cold for a few weeks...

    Oh man, hate to say it, but that is exactly what I have done. I had the yucky stuff where I lost my voice about mid-December, finally got over it and then was hit with another round about a week ago. Except for the losing my voice thing, they are about the same. Unpleasant sore throat, but not rising to an antibiotic level; stuffiness, coughing, sneezing; generally feeling really lousy, can sleep around the clock stuff. Hate to be the bearer of bad news...

  2. Oh my God - exactly!

    Well, my voice was only really bad for a day, but I was (as always) quite hoarse for a few days.

    (You would think that someone who talks as much as I do would have a stronger voice, but it's really quite wimpy. I go hoarse at the drop of a hat.)

    That cold started creeping up on me December 13. I felt much better within a week or so, but still hadn't quite shaken the chest congestion.

    And here we are again.

    (Update - throat more yucky this morning (but not razor blades - maybe that's for tomorrow) and head starting to get congested. Dammit.)

  3. My version of it started on Election Day, Nov. 6. Woke up with it and it just got worse and worse until the pneumonia set in. Then worse and worse. Did recover, though. The part where I coincidently had to see my cardiologist for my routine checkup and he sent me through everything did not help. I did not relapse, though. That was really good news, though not as good as my arteriogram results! My original point was that I know how you feel, sympathize, and I want to give you hope that you will recover. Meantime, curl up in the recliner with a cat or two and a cup of tomato soup. Very medicinal. (Within your alloted calories, of course.) Also, wrap up in an afghan, preferably one that says Dallas Cowboys.

  4. Excellent advice.

    Actually, I was just thinking - maybe when I had tomato soup earlier this week, for my "pouch test," my body got confused and assumed it was supposed to be sick?


What say you?