Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Quick Update

I need to get out the door to work soon, but just wanted to post real quickly that I just heard from Nurse E that we "got a big, fat no" for using my eggs for IVF.

So, I will leave another message with the donor IVF coordinator and let her know that we want to start my mock cycle with my next period (which will probably start on Monday or Tuesday) and Nurse E said they will order my meds for it as soon as they get my beta on Friday.

Assuming, of course, that it's negative. Which is what I'm assuming, because I've seen no indications otherwise on the pee sticks.

1 comment:

  1. i so hope you're wrong and that things work out this month!

    And i'm sorry to hear about the egg issue. Why does this all have to be so f'ing difficult?


What say you?