Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ouch! or Bloggin' 'bout my Noggin'

This afternoon, one of the printers at work ran out of toner, so I went in the store room to look for a new cartridge.

After trying one that turned out to be for a different printer, I finally spotted a box with the right label, sitting on top of a file box, on the very top shelf.

The only other person there at the time was one of our teachers, who uses a wheelchair, so I was pretty much on my own, to get it down.

I stood on my tippy-toes, and started to pull the file box off the shelf.

I figured I would tilt it toward me, let the toner box slide forward, and catch it before it came off of the other box.

This plan would have worked, had the toner box been sealed.

However, it was open, and as it tilted, the cartridge itself was somehow launched from the box, flew through the air, and bounced off the top of my head!

The teacher was sitting there watching the whole thing, so I was trying to be all cool about it at first, picking up the cartridge, putting it back in the box, acting like nothing had happened.

Then, I just stopped and said, "Man, that really hurt."

He was all, "Yeah, I guess so. I can't believe you're not bleeding."

It didn't help that I'd already had a bit of a headache for a while, and had taken Tylenol a couple of hours before.

That was nothing compared to the headache that I had for the rest of the afternoon!

There's a big ol' knot on my head now (which is something of a relief, actually, because at first, it felt more like a dent!) and Shrike says that you can see a red mark (there's not much hair to cover it up).

I tried to get a photo of it for my Wordless Wednesday post, but you couldn't see anything in the picture.

Oh, and the worst part?

After all that, it turned out that the cartridge was empty.

And thank God. If it had been full of toner, I could have been killed!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this is the one that should have been titled, "Oh! My gourd!"


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