Friday, September 7, 2007

Day One

So, I'm bleeding now.

And I just talked to Nurse E, before I realized I actually had already started.

Wasted a good bit of time speculating about "if Day 3 is Sunday . . . or if it's Monday . . . "

But, even before I knew I was bleeding, we'd already realized that I have to go to IUI-Town (the open-on-weekends location, also where they have sperm storage, thus, where we do the inseminations) on Sunday, because I have to pick up my meds at the pharmacy there.

So, I have an appointment for 10:45 that morning.

(I'm sure Shrike will be thrilled to hear that. She works Saturday evening, and it's about a 1.5 hour drive.)

That appointment will be for a day 3 ultrasound (actually on day 3 for a change!) and I'll pick up my clomid and FSH shots while we're there.

Here's the protocol:

Take 50 mg clomid (pill) on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (days 3 - 7).

FSH shots in the belly on Thursday and Saturday.

This shot is more complicated than the pre-loaded ovidrel (HCG trigger) and has to be mixed up and stuff. I'm supposed to call on Monday, once I have it in hand, and she will explain it all. If I'm not feeling comfortable about it, I can stop by one day next week to go over it in person.

Then, an ultrasound on Monday, September 17 (day 11).

Nurse E says I should be ready to trigger at that point, so we'd inseminate probably either Tuesday the 18th or Wednesday the 19th, I guess.

Even with the drugs, we still only expect to see 1 - 3 follicles.

Given my age, Dr E is comfortable inseminating me with up to 3 follicles, because the odds of all 3 being good and actually ending up with triplets are so slim.

It sounded like she would not want to inseminate with more than that.

Good to know.


  1. Hmmm... Have a happy period??

    Hope it goes this time! Fingers will be crossed!

  2. It is really complicated to replace Mother Nature, but it is good that we have the technology. Not so long ago the doc would have just said how sorry she was, but nothing to do. Fingers crossed.
    By the way, don't worry about setting up the injection. Have you forgotten that you have a BA in Biology from a top tier university? Remember semimicro chemistry lab? You can do it.

  3. Anonymama - That's exactly what I told Nurse E about the shot. "I was a biology major and a science teacher; I've spent a lot of time in the lab, I think I can handle it."

  4. I have decided to have a period in solidarity with you. :D

    Go sisterhood!


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