Monday, August 6, 2007

A Favor, Please

Dear Adam, the Spammer-Guy:
(If that is, in fact, your name. I mean, really, couldn't you think of something more, I don't know, original?)

I really do enjoy your helpful employment tips, and I do understand your need to post them as frequently as possible, seeing as you get paid for typing (. . . spam comments on my blog) and I'm sure it takes a lot of typing to afford all those plane tickets.

But, please, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you'd show a little class and save them for some of my, oh, I dunno, less emotional and angsty posts.

Maybe something about a stinky dog or a cheesy casserole or even a photo of a flower.

Thanks ever so much,
Whozat, the maaaaaybe but almost definitely not pregnant - and, yet, somehow still a little bit incredibly crazy and emotional - lady chick dyke.


  1. Is there any way to block this jerk?

  2. Actually, "he" is probably just a robot, and it's just coincidence that the 2 posts it's spammed me on were both serious ones.

    I could add the "type these letters to prove you're not a robot" feature on the comments and I will if it gets bad, but I hate those.

    Mostly because I can never read the letters and it always takes me three or four tries to post.

    And, actually, the spam didn't really upset me, it just annoyed me.

    It did upset Shrike though, and she went to the website and sent them a cease and desist" email.

    We'll see if that works.

  3. BlogSpot doesn't have a way that you can block a specific person? (Using the term loosely in this case.)

    I know they could come back under another name, but at least it would be something.

    It would make sense if you could block someone. What if you picked up someone that just wanted to write profane stuff on all your posts?

  4. I don't know, I think you have to just set it to require the code, or so that you have to approve all comments first. I don't think you can pick and choose.

    It's not a big deal at this point.

  5. You can block an IP addy if you have the complete IP #- I get mine through StatCounter- I've blocked a couple of assholes. I actually had this fucking nut job that read my blog a few times then left a comment that he hoped my hubby got killed in the middle east. I almost stopped blogging over that.

  6. Thanks, Toni, I'll check into that.

    What the hell kind of person would say something like that to you?

    That's the awfulest thing I've ever heard.

  7. Special K Toni,
    I am sorry you had to deal with that fucking asshole. That is horrible. But glad you didn't let the flaming asshole keep you from blogging. Hmm, flaming asshole...that would be fitting punishment for a comment like that


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