Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dream a Little Dream of Pee

For as long as I can remember, I've had this recurring dream - well, I have a variety of recurring dreams, but I'm only talking about one right now.

In these dreams, I need to pee, but can't find an acceptable place to do so.

Every bathroom that I find either has insufficient privacy, or it's all gross, or it's occupied or something else is wrong with it.

Invariably, when I wake up, I realize that I really do have to pee.

I figure it's my subconscious mind's way of reacting to the sensation of needing to pee, but then putting on the brakes because, even subconsiously, it knows it can't let me actually pee in the bed.


So, why in the hell would I be telling all the interwebs about these crazy dreams?

(Although, they're not so crazy, are they? I mean, doesn't everybody have these dreams?)

Anyway, the reason I'm oversharing is that I just had to write about the novel variation on this theme that I experienced this morning.

In this dream, I did need to pee, but instead of being unable to find an acceptable toilet, I kept being thwarted, in one way or another, from doing a home pregnancy test.

First, I dreamed that I took a test that developed three lines instead of two, so I wasn't sure if that was a positive or not, and I wanted to retest to confirm.

I don't remember all the specifics, it being a dream and all, but one thing after another kept stopping me from doing the second test.

Man, if my waking obsession with baby making is going to intrude my dreams, couldn't it be something more fun, like that one I had last cycle, about feeding the cute little baby boy that I hadn't had yet?


  1. You had a dream about Pink, so what are you complaining about? Do I get to dream about Pink? No. Just my recurring dreams about my teeth falling out, about going back to high school and having no idea what my locker combination is or my other recurring school dream where I am in college and just realized I have not been going to class all semester and it is too late to drop. Or the ones where I am driving really fast on a bridge with no guardrails. But Pink? No, no Pink...

  2. Oh yeah, I have all those, too.

    Except in my driving dreams I'm either trying to drive from the backseat, or I'm having trouble controlling the car.

    And, um, there's no need to discuss that Pink dream here.

  3. I have the same dream. Genetic?

  4. Yep, I have the pee dream frequently. My "at school unprepared" ones are usually set in Jr. High.

    I don't have a going fast on a bridge one, but I do have some where I have to scale the side of a building or climb a steep bridge or something. (I think those are stress dreams...)

    Then there is my weird theme about finding unused rooms in my house (whatever my house is in the dream)and thinking "Why don't we ever use these rooms?"

  5. LK, I have had those dreams too about the unused rooms in the house. Are these symbols of the potential I am not working up to?

    I had a variation of the pee dream last night. Let me just say that the toilet papr on the roll was completely unsuitable...

    That's all I am going to say about that

    And regarding flair. For the work i am doing today, I have 15 pieces of one is going to know where to look exatly. My suggestion would be away....

    Did I mention I hate my job?

  6. Oh, I have those "unused room" dreams, too!

  7. LK, I have had those dreams too about the unused rooms in the house. Are these symbols of the potential I am not working up to?

    I assume it is something like that. I have always thought that they probably have some deep psychological meaning that I don't want to look at. :D


What say you?