Friday, July 13, 2007

Bag Open, Cat Out

I told a couple more people at work about our baby plans today. Just about everyone knows now, with the possible exception of BigBoss (depends on whether he heard me discussing it right outside his office door) and his wife, BossLady (unless ED1 and ED2 tell her; I've told them they can; I'd kind of like them to).

Lately, I've been in that awkward "Man, I really need to tell so-and-so about this, so that I can quit trying not to say anything around her because she doesn't know" stage.

How stupid is that?

The first person that I told today was PhoneGirl. I talk to her alot, so it's been difficult to not say anything thus far. Also, she does a lot of the scheduling of student tests, etc, so I needed to ask her to keep my mornings relatively light next week, since we don't know yet exactly when we'll be inseminating.

When I told her, she said that she'd sort of been wondering if that was the case, since I seem to talk about babies and the birthing of them an awful lot these days.

I'd already been talking to both ED1 and ED2 about how dumb I am for not telling everyone, and ED1 had said something about having essentially set me up to spill the beans yesterday to BossLady and the other lady who does admin-type stuff.

We had a whole big conversation at lunch yesterday about childbirth (learned that BossLady was induced when having ED2 and it was awful; also learned that ED2 had to be induced to have her twins - whom she birthed the old-fashioned way, despite the fact that the boy was breech, at the age of 41) and I still didn't say anything.

Because I'm a big ol' dork.

But it feels wierd to make a big announcement about it, even one person at a time, so it seems like it would be even wierder to just blurt out, in the middle of lunch, "Well, speaking of birthin' babies . . . . "

Also, although all these people have been totally cool about me and Shrike, I don't know them all well enough to know that they'd be cool about us procreating.

And, also there's that whole work thing and, particularly in the case of BigBoss and BossLady, I worry about them maybe being not so happy that I'm doing this so soon after starting the job.

Although, ED1 and I had a conversation about that a while back. She brought it up, and said that "Dad will probably be most concerned about covering for you while you're out and, while we (she and ED2) think about that, too, we're more concerned that things work out for you, because that is the most important thing."

She then went on to talk about how she and ED2 had each taken a couple of years off work, when their respective kiddos were young. Of course, her dad owns the company, so she knew she had a job to go back to.

But, I was glad to hear that from her.

Anyway, today, on her way out the door - right after we were discussing my dorkiness - ED1 told me "Good luck!" (with my monitoring ultrasounds on Sunday and Monday) and AdminLady said, "Good luck with what?"

(Thanks - that was just the push I needed!)

So I told her, too.

And possibly BigBoss, as we were standing right outside his door. Although, he tends to be a bit oblivious to anything outside his office. Which is often a good thing.

Of course, my dorkiness and hesitance was all completely unfounded, as both PhoneGirl and AdminLady were thrilled and excited to hear my news.

I think AdminLady even called for a high-five, and PhoneGirl called me back to her office about three different times, to continue the story after she was interupted by phone calls.

(The answering of said calls being the general gist of her job description and all.)

Now, I just need to get the information out there to BossLady (I've encouraged the EDs to tell her, and AdminLady may well say something, too, as they work pretty closely together) and then we can all just sit around and discuss my follicles over lunch.


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