Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday Special #14: Back to the Rack

Today's topic is all about returning purchases.

  1. What's the oddest thing you've ever returned?
    Sperm. Although we've now un-returned it.
  2. Do you return things you don't like or just keep them?
    Sometimes I return them, other times just keep them.
  3. What's the largest item you've ever returned?
    I can't think of anything really big, but my brother once returned a car that he was going to buy, and Shrike is considering returning the PS2 that she bought with her birthday money.
  4. Have you ever returned a dress/outfit you wore to a special occasion?
    I haven't, but a friend of mine once bought a dress, wore it to her father's funeral and then returned it. With her mother's blessing. She wasn't the kind of girl who would normally wear anything even remotely funereal.

Learn more about the Saturday Special.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Your answer to #1 caused me to spew Diet Coke from my nose...


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