Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm A Hit

Check out the review of this blog at So Many Blogs, So Little Time - 9 out of 10, Baby!

Here are a couple of excerpts:

I really like this blog. I could be redundant and exclaim that I LOVE IT... ok, yes. I admit. I love it.

They seem to have a wonderful relationship, it's very clear to see throughout the writing. I wish you the best of luck in starting your family, and many happy years together as a couple.

Upon reading that, Shrike said, "That's pretty funny how they think we have a wonderful relationship. Did they read the part about me acting like a dick?"

Silly girl, you weren't acting like a dick, I just said you were acting like a dick.

Totally different.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly- you two fight like every normal couple on the planet! Just like the Hubs has never called me a bitch- just said I was acting like one!


What say you?