Saturday, June 2, 2007

Can I Get Some Cheese With This Whine?

I'm sick, and everybody's going to know about it.

Yes, I do realize that, in the grand scheme of things, a little cold is really not much to complain about, but it's my cold, and I'm going to make the most of it.

It started yesterday morning with a suspicious tickle in my throat, then a few sniffles.

Then I sneezed. Twice.

And I knew it was all downhill from there.

By the end of the day I was getting that "I'm so tired, I need to sit down. No, sitting isn't "down" enough, I should lie down. Shit, still not enough. How can I get "downer" than flat on my back?" feeling.

Oh, but "flat on my back" is not such a good idea.

That's when my mouth falls open, and my throat dries out from all the breathing through it, and then it really hurts.

But why all the whining? Why not just pop a pill and make it all better?

Well, you see, I'm allergic to decongestants, antihistamines and cough suppressants.

So, when I have a cold, I just have to suck it up and suffer.

That also means that at the first hint of a scratchy throat or sniffle or abnormally tired feeling, I'm hit by an overwhelming sense of dread, knowing what the next few days will hold.

Today, I'm really not feeling all that awful yet, but I just know that tomorrow will probably be worse. I'm hoping that will be the low point, and I can be headed back toward humanness by Monday, but I'm not very confident about that.

So, I'll just try to take it easy, drink lots of fluids, blah, blah, yada, yada, useless assvice, and in seven to ten days, I'm sure I'll be on the mend.

In the meantime, I will whine.



  1. Good gawd! You are worse than a man! Yes, I said that! You do know when you are pregnant there is a good chance of the 'pregnancy cold', right? I had it with both of mine!

    Go eat an orange!

  2. Yes, I am a HUGE baby when I'm sick.

    I've heard about the "pregnancy cold" phenomenon, too.

    I rarely go nine months without a cold anyway, so I figure it's a safe bet.

    At least I'm already used to not being able to take any medicine for them.


What say you?