Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Goes Around / Comes Around

There's a girl at my new job who is pregnant, due on October 2. I've decided that this is my punishment for what we must have put Dr. T. through, making her listen to all our baby talk when she didn't yet feel comfortable telling us that she was pregnant.

This particular coworker is only at our location one or two days a week, but there sure is a lot of baby talk crammed into those eight to sixteen hours, and it's just killing me to try to censor my participation in the conversation!

When I do tell the bosses about our plans, I suspect that their reaction will be something along the lines of, "Well that explains the doctors appointments - and the fact that watch all those shows on TLC - and that you have an opinion on cloth vs. disposable diapers."

Speaking of telling them, I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I've realized that I'm going to have to tell my bosses about our plans, because I'm going probably to have to miss some work each month to do the inseminations.

I'd really prefer not to bring it up until it's a done-deal but even if they're pissed about it, at least they'll know why I'm missing work. That's much better than just thinking I'm flaky and irresponsible.

I plan to wait at least a few more weeks before saying anything, though. Preferably until I've got an insurance card in my hand, but at least until they've paid my first premium!

(Or, a week or so before our first insemination, whichever comes first.)

The folks I'll absolutely have to tell are ED2 and Director. From what I know of them, and from hearing them talk to our coworker about her pregnancy, I think they'll be ok with it, but I'm still not looking forward to the conversation.

In the meantime, I'm trying to type up a list of all the questions that I want to ask my OB/Gyn when we see her on Thursday for the HSG. So far, I've got about a dozen, but I know I'll think of more . . . .

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