Friday, April 20, 2007

Weekend Dog Blog #6: Shredder Pup

How, exactly, does something like this happen?

Ok, I figured that much, but where did he get . . .


More Weekend Dog Blogs here.


  1. Note, in photos #2 and #3, the piece of paper static-clung to the side of his head!

    Also, in photo #2, you can see the bit of still-matted fur at the tip of his ear, from whence he was gushing blood a week ago.

    (Actually, this photo was taken a few days ago; it's looking just about normal now.)

  2. Shredding paper can also entertain toddlers for hours, not that I know from personal experience or anything!

  3. Hmm, that would make an interesting contest.

    Who can shred faster / more throughly - a dog or a toddler.

    The dog has the teeth, on the other hand, the toddler has that opposable thumb thing going for him.

  4. Um, that would be "thoroughly."

    Damn you, Blogger, and your inability to edit a comment after it's published!


What say you?