Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday Special #3: Favorite Senses

I'm not so good at narrowing things down to one favorite, but I gave it my best shot.

Favorite Senses
  1. Favorite Smell(s):
    Cinnamon rolls, clean babies, the forest
  2. Favorite Flower(s):
    At the moment, I'm loving the crocus and daffodils, because they are blooming!!!, I also really like tulips (coming soon to a backyard near me!) and roses.
  3. Favorite Color(s):
    Used to be green, but now it's cobalt blue.
  4. Favorite Sound(s):
    The forest, baby laughter, a babbling brook
Learn more about the Saturday Special.


  1. Favorite Smell(s):
    Freshly cut grass, puppy breath, fireplace smoke
    Favorite Flower(s):
    Roses and Lilies, especially Calla Lillies.
    Favorite Color(s):
    Favorite Sound(s):
    The ocean, good music, and the other would be impolite to say ;-)

  2. Whatever could you mean by that? ;-)

  3. Not sure if I remember. Thank you for making all the goodies by the way. You are spoiling me

  4. That's my honey, again, being incognito.

    The "goodies" to which she refers are brownies, peanut butter cookies and broccoli surprise for Easter :-)


What say you?