Friday, March 2, 2007

Broccoli Shock-o-ly

I don't like broccoli.

My mom makes broccoli and cheese sauce for holiday dinners, and I always ask her serve the sauce on the side, so I can put it on other stuff, because it's just wrong to take a perfectly good cheese sauce and fuck it all up by putting broccoli in it.

Because I don't like broccoli.

So, you can imagine how disturbing it is to me that I've eaten broccoli two days in a row now, and it wasn't gross at all. And that I'm planning to have some again tomorrow.

That's so fucking wierd. I don't like broccoli.

Now, mind you, I'm not having a plate of broc-and-cheese or dipping up a big gob of ranch dressing with one of those funky little trees, but I ate stuff with broccoli in it. And kind of liked it.

But, but, but . . . I don't like broccoli.

Here's what happened: Although it's not exactly "cooking" per se, we've been having those "meal-in-a-bags" a couple of times a week, lately. They are really quick to prepare, which is nice when we're trying to sit down to lunch together between walking the dogs and Shrike leaving for work.

We usually have a rather limited selection of "bag meals" to choose from at the store, because I automatically rule out all the ones with broccoli in them.

Because, as I may have mentioned, I don't like broccoli.

However, when I was at the grocery earlier this week, they had a broccoli one on sale.

Ruh roh.

It's on sale, and yet, it's broccoli, and I don't like broccoli.

So, knowing that Shrike is all about the broc, I decided to get it, and planned to just pick it out - or eat something else if it turned out to be nasty.

You know, since it would be all broccontaminated.

And I don't like broccoli.

I fixed that for lunch yesterday, and it turned out the brocs were chopped up in tiny little bits. Not very pick-out-able, but also small enough to pretend they weren't there, if one tried very hard.

I cautiously took a bite, fearing the worst, but it turned out to be quite good. I couldn't even taste the broccoli!

Which is a good thing. Since I don't like broccoli.

Today, I made a stir-fry (more on that in a moment). We'd bought broccoli to put in that for Shrike, but I had planned to cook that separately and add it just to hers.

I thought "what the hell - let's live dangerously!" and threw it in the pan with everything else.

Now, granted, I didn't just scoop out our servings willy-nilly (heavy on the broc for her, more bell peppers for me) but it was just fine. Quite good in fact.

Despite the fact that I don't like broccoli.

I even - voluntarily - made a chicken/broccoli/rice concoction this evening for lunch tomorrow (more to come on that, as well). It still needs to be baked, but the tastes I had of it while cooking were pretty damn yummy, and the broc is all through-out it.

Are you listening, taste buds???

I don't like broccoli.



  1. You don't like broccoli? But yet you are eating it?

    Kinda like I didn't like oysters? but ate them when I was preggos! and the same with sushi, turnips, buttermilk, shall I go on???

    When you do get pregnant, you will probably eat broccoli DAILY!! and like it.

  2. You don't like broccoli? But yet you are eating it?

    You see why it's so disturbing?

    When you do get pregnant, you will probably eat broccoli DAILY!!


    (Ok, confession: I would guess that about 95% of the foods that I "don't like," I've probably never tried. Maybe I should?)


What say you?