Before the Blog: Fall Wrap-Up
In September, we went on another Susquehanna Club women's camping trip; this time to TinyTownNamedAfterAGuy.
On October 11, we hosted a National Coming Out Day House Party fund raiser in conjunction with Out for Dean. The highlight of the party was a conference call with Gov. Dean.
The two parties that had raised the most money and had the most guests started the questioning, and then they gave the other parties a chance to play "fastest fingers" for the rest of the questions.
Earlier in the party, we'd discussed what we might want to ask, and our friend J's 15 year-old daughter (same one who helped paint our house) suggested asking Gov. Dean why first-time voters should vote for him. When it came time, we were shocked to hear the operator call on us for the first question!
I introduced J's daughter and she asked Gov. Dean her question. I'm not sure any of us remembered a word he said though, we were so excited!We didn't do anything real exciting for Halloween, but we carved some cool pumpkins.
In November, we got PerfectPuppy.
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